I was Honestly Excited to Incur My First Payroll Expense — — — Here’s Why …

Travis Fonderson, CPA, MAcc
2 min readDec 3, 2019


The First YFP Payroll Entry

🔗 Now this is going to sound crazy, but I’m super excited to have posted and paid out my first ever payroll expense this past weekend.
🔗 I know, you probably think I’m crazy — after all, who in the world would be excited to have increased expenses!?🤦🏿‍♂️
🔗But to me, this is a milestone really.
🔗 See, I’m not particularly happy about the added expense but rather, the capacity to even have a payroll expense …… and remain profitable at the same time.
🔗 Especially with being a full time student, it has taken me years to develop a brand, a reputation, credibility and an infrastructure which has attracted clientele who willingly offer to exchange their own money to receive services engrained from a system that came from … well, what used to be a mere vision sitting in my head.
🔗 I can’t even begin to tell you the amount of times I questioned my ability to actually bring my idea to a point of legitimacy — where people who I’ve never even met before show demand for my work..
🔗 Lo and behold, we’re here now — and we still got upward movements to make!
🔗 So I guess what I’m saying is that having the capacity to pay out a wage (even on a small scale) has really put things into perspective of how far I’ve come and what can be in store for the future if I continue to push for it.
🔗 I tell you this hoping to be a source of encouragement.
🔗 Nothing more, nothing less.
🔗 Whatever it is that you’re holding back on starting (and no, I’m not saying the only way to do it is by starting a business, legitimately, it can be whatever it is you’ve been finding reasons to defer on executing) START IT!
🔗 The thing is, once you start, don’t you think about stopping, feel free to reiterate, but understand this — consistency and continuance will be the only way to yield your growth.
🔗 Promise me one thing though, approach this with utter authenticity and in return I’ll promise that you won’t be disappointed.
🔗 Hit me up about it too, share and let’s grow together!👊🏿💪🏿

For more info on my organization visit our website below:




Travis Fonderson, CPA, MAcc

#CarpeDiem |Founder, YoungFundsProgram | Youth Investment Coach | CPA